Neurological Rehabilitation Program
Figtree Private Hospital’s neurological rehabilitation program is designed to meet your needs if you experience disabilities resulting from a neurological illness or injury. These may include stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, parkinson's disease and other neurological conditions.
Your rehabilitation program is managed by a team of health professionals including:
- Rehabilitation Physician
- Physiotherapist
- Occupational Therapist
- Speech Pathologist
- Dietitian
- Case manager
- Rehabilitation Nurses
- Recreation Therapist
- Psychologist
Other staff, such as a neuro psychologist and clinical psychologist are also available if required. Your team is highly specialised and experienced in the care of neurological disorders and continually strives to maintain the highest professional standard of care in accordance with the latest research. They meet regularly to monitor and review your progress and goals. You are an important member of the team and will be encouraged to participate in all aspects of your program.
You will be assessed by members of the team and an individual rehabilitation plan will be designed with the participation of you and your family. The team may wish to meet with you and your family from time to time to discuss your progress and plans for the future. Your family can also arrange to attend your therapy sessions so they may learn how to assist you.
Your physiotherapy program will be coordinated by a physiotherapist with specialist training and interest in neurological conditions. Your program seeks to facilitate your recovery to the optimal level of independence and includes assessing and treating the following areas:
- Bed mobility
- Moving from lying, sitting and standing
- Balance
- Walking and using stairs
- Reaching, grasping and manipulating everyday objects
- Flexibility and fitness
- Prescription of mobility aids
- Home exercise program
Occupational therapy
Your occupational therapist plays a vital role in helping you maximise your functional independence in all aspects of your daily life. Your occupational therapist will assess your ability to perform your daily activities and design a program that will help you return to your previous lifestyle. The following areas will be addressed by your occupational therapist:
- Personal care activities including washing, dressing, grooming, etc
- Functional movement
- Cognitive retraining
- Home safety assessment
- Prescription of aids to help you maintain your independence
- Driver education
- Home management skills e.g. cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc
- Work related skills
- Leisure skills
Your occupational therapist will also assist you with the prescription of equipment to help you maintain your independence and may visit your home prior to discharge to ensure a safe environment for you.
Speech pathology
If your neurological condition has resulted in communication or swallowing difficulties, a Speech Pathologist will see you. A specialised treatment program will focus on:
- Establishing a reliable means of communication
- Reading and writing
- Speech clarity
- Cognitive and memory retraining
- Safe swallowing techniques and food modification if required
You may be seen by the Dietician to ensure your nutritional needs are met and dietary intake is adequate.
For patients with a spinal cord injury, diet modification may be required to control weight and optimise functional activity.
Counselling / Discharge Planning and Psychology
Case managers will be available to both you and your family. They will provide you with opportunities to talk about your condition, discuss issues that are of concern for you and assist in planning for your future and discharge.
Your case manager will assist in discharge planning including referral to access community support agencies that can provide services after discharge or can assist in seeking alternative arrangements for those patients unable to return to their previous living arrangements.
The psychologist may become involved in your program to assist you to adjust to your new level of abilities.
Nursing staff
Your nurses will encourage and assist you to achieve your optimal level of independence. They provide 24 hour care and supervision and will help you with your daily ward activities. Your care will be directed at preventing disability, maintaining your present ability and restoring your lost ability.
Your nurses continually liaise with your therapists to ensure continuity of your rehabilitation care and are always available to answer questions about your rehabilitation program, your medical care or other health concerns.
Medical services
Your rehabilitation program is directed by a Rehabilitation Physician. He/she has the responsibility of monitoring and evaluating your medical and rehabilitation care. The Rehabilitation Specialist will liaise with your Neurologist or Neurosurgeon, General Practitioner and other specialists to ensure proper continuity of medical care. Medical services will be provided by a medical registrar on a day to day basis.
You will be discharged when you reach your potential or no longer require nursing care. If you require support at home, such as Meals on Wheels or Community Nursing this will be arranged prior to your discharge.
If you require further rehabilitation treatment you may be referred to a day rehabilitation program or outpatient services at Lawrence Hargrave Private Hospital or another suitable location. This will be discussed with you and your family to allow you to plan accordingly.
To find out more about our rehabilitation programs, please call 02 4255 5000 or contact us by email.