How to Book – Inpatient Rehabilitation
Inpatient rehabilitation is suitable for people who need the support of medical and nursing care as well as allied health care whilst staying with us. Many of our patients are transferred from an acute care hospital after surgery, an accident or illness to commence their rehabilitation.
Inpatient rehabilitation programs are designed to improve and promote each patients’ optimal degree of independence, which involves clinical teams coordinating medical treatment, specialised services, rehabilitation treatments, and patient assisted services – all while providing the emotional support and encouragement that patients need to make great strides in their recovery.
How can I become an inpatient?
If you are having an elective procedure, you may wish to discuss your rehabilitation with your surgeon or GP prior to having surgery. You can then contact Figtree Private Hospital on 02 4255 5000 to pre-book your admission.
If you are currently at another hospital, please discuss your rehabilitation with the clinical staff and a referral can be faxed directly to our admission team on 02 4271 4393.
How do I know if I am covered by my private health insurance?
You may wish to contact your private health insurer directly, however, our admissions team will ensure you are covered by your private health insurer prior to your admission.
Upon admission you will be seen by a member of the admissions team who will ask you to sign documentation necessary to claim from your private health fund. If you are unable to sign, please make arrangements for a family member or official carer to sign on your behalf.
What do I need to bring for my admission?
You will need to bring your;
- Referral letter
- Private health fund insurance details
- Medicare card
- Compensation details if your hospital stay is related to workers compensation or third party claim
- Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) card if relevant
- Pension, pharmaceutical benefits and concession cards if relevant
What therapies are available as an inpatient?
You will have individual assessments by your doctor, nurse and allied health therapists as soon as possible and within 24 hours of your admission.
It is these assessments that your rehabilitation program will be individually tailored and combined with your rehabilitation goals, your Rehabilitation Physician may refer you to:
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Dietetics
- Speech Therapy
- Social Worker
- Case Manager/Discharge Planner
- Ramsay Psychology
How often will I have therapy as an inpatient?
Daily, dependent upon your rehabilitation goals and your individual needs as assessed by our Rehabilitation Physician.
What do I need to bring to the hospital?
- Comfortable clothing for therapy, please do not bring tight fitting clothing
- Sensible walking shoes and any orthotics you have been wearing prior to your surgery or injury
- Any walking aids or equipment you may need or use at home
- Nightwear, dressing gown and slippers
- Personal toiletries
- Any medications you are currently taking
Your room will have a locked drawer, however, we recommend you leave valuables including jewellery at home.
How long will I stay in hospital?
This is dependent upon achieving your inpatient rehabilitation goals, or perhaps your progress plateaus and you are able to manage at home with referral to a day program at another facility.
Your rehabilitation team will meet weekly at case conference to discuss your overall health, rehabilitation progress and achievement of goals, discharge planning and any future referrals for a day program.